1 To explain some observed event or condition. Data Cleanup and Visualization Quiz 1. What Is Data Transformation Best Practices How To S Fme A process to upgrade the quality of data after it is moved into a data warehouse. . Worth 3 points 3-12 Which of the following are data flow diagram preparation guidelines. Separating data from one source into various sources of data. Joining data from one source into various sources of data. A process to change data from a summary level to a detailed level C. A process to change data from a summary level to a detailed level. 4 To create a new data warehouse. OpenScaleAutoAIModeler FlowsWatson Knowledge CatalogAll of the above 2. Loading the data for data analysis. Separating data from one source into various sources of data. 4 To create a new data warehouse. A process to change data from a detailed level to a summary level. C All transformation proc...